Getting Started
with the Butler Power-Up

Enable the Power-Up in your Trello board

  1. If not already visible, open the Trello right menu bar by clicking on Show Menu in the upper right corner of your Trello board.
  2. Click on Power-Ups.
  3. Scroll to find Butler and click on Enable.

Note: You will need to do this for every board in which you'd like to enable Butler.

Authorize Butler

  1. Open Butler by clicking on the Butler button that appears at the top of your board after enabling it.
  2. Click on Get Started.
  3. Click to open the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy documents. Read them carefully.
  4. If you agree to be bound by the terms contained in both documents, tick the box and select Authorize.
  5. Butler needs access to your account to perform actions on your behalf. Grant access by clicking on Allow.

IMPORTANT: The Trello authorization pop-up may not appear if your browser blocks pop-ups. You may need to explicitly allow the pop-up to appear.

Note: Authorizing Butler only needs to be done once, and is valid for all boards in which you enable Butler.

Using Recommendations

  1. Click on Recommended For You. Butler will generate and display some recommendations based on your usage history in this particular board. This may take up to a minute or two.
  2. Click on the Thumbs Up icon to create a button based on a recommendation. You will need to enter a title (label) for the button, and may optionally select an icon, and add, remove or rearrange the order of the actions before saving it.
  3. Click on the Thumbs Down icon to tell Butler not to recommend this button any more. Discarded recommendations can be re-displayed by clicking on a link at the bottom of the list. You may need to scroll down to find it.
  4. If there's a large amount of recommendations a link will appear to show more at the bottom of the list. You may need to scroll down to find it.

Note: If the board is new or there hasn't been much activity, Butler won't be able to provide any recommendations. Use the board over a period of time and try again.

Creating Buttons Manually

  1. Select the tab for the type of button you want to create, a Card Button or a Board Button. A card button operates on the currently open card and can perform actions on that card. A board button appears at the top of the board and performs actions on groups of cards (e.g. sorting a list or copying all cards in a list).
  2. Click on Create a New Button. You will need to enter a title (label) for the button, and may optionally select an icon.
  3. Add an action from the actions listed below by clicking on the plus icon. You will need to fill in any parameters, such as a list name before doing so.
  4. You can add more actions to the button if you wish. The actions will be performed in order when the button is pressed.
  5. Save the button.

Opening the Butler Activity Log

  1. If not already visible, open the Trello right menu bar by clicking on Show Menu in the upper right corner of your Trello board.
  2. Click on Power-Ups.
  3. Scroll to find Butler and click on the gear icon next to it, then select Edit Power-Up Settings


IMPORTANT: Every user who wishes to use the shared buttons must enable and authorize Butler (see above).

  1. To share a button with other members of the team, simply check the Shared box.
  2. Every member will be able to enable or disable the button individually depending on their needs.
  3. You may want that the button is automatically enabled for everyone by default (they can still disable it). You do this by editing the button and making sure the Enabled by default checkbox is marked.

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